Coastal Escape Publishing – Seeking Submissions

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One of my publishers, Coastal Escape Publishing, has decided to open their doors for new submissions. They are currently seeking Romantic Suspense/Mystery, Historical Romance, Paranormal Romance, M/M Suspense, and M/M Paranormal Romance. For more details, visit the Coastal Escape Publishing submissions page.

From personal experience, I can say that the M/M Paranormal and the Historical Romances do well. But then, I know other authors with Coastal are doing well in different areas. Just like with any publisher or author, it depends on the book. You’ll hit a grand slam with some, and others will end up being duds. Write what you’re passionate about because if you don’t like your story, your readers won’t either.

I currently have 4 books/novellas published by Coastal Escape under my name, and another under a pen name. I love my cover art and have found them to be friendly and easy to work with. Just remember, signing a contract is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly. Don’t agree to do something only to change your mind later because you begin to question yourself or your abilities.